Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin: hold still; now boost;lift;c'mon! Hobbes: mph; get your hand out of my eye; Calvin: ok, forward! Hobbes: on the wat back, you're carrying me Calvin: hey I got some mail! its a valentine card. Hobbes: from susie derkins! Calvin: it says "please be my valentine." Hobbes: you're susies valentine! Calvin: i'm not her valentine just because I got this in the mail, am I? does the mail postmaster general know about this? Hobbes: calvin and susie siting in a tree-ee kay-eye-ess-ess eye-en-gee ! Calvin: I dont have to kiss her do I? is that what valentines do??! oh, GROSS! Hobbes: first comes lo-ove, then comes marriage, then come love, then comes a baby and a baby carrige! Calvin: this can't be happening! I need a lawyer! she can't make me be her valentine! Hobbes: here she comes! here comes susie! Susie: hi calvin. Calvin: get away from me! I'm not your valentine! Take your card back! Eww! Girls! Yecchh! Susie: that card wasn't for you, you moron. Didn't you read the back of the envelope? Calvin: the back? Calvin: "Calvin, please give this to Hobbes." HOBBES?!Hobbes: Me? really? Hot dog! Smooch city here I come!