Friday, February 14, 2014

calvin and hobbes

Calvin: hold still; now boost;lift;c'mon! Hobbes: mph; get your hand out of my eye; Calvin: ok, forward! Hobbes: on the wat back, you're carrying me Calvin: hey I got some mail! its a valentine card. Hobbes: from susie derkins! Calvin: it says "please be my valentine." Hobbes: you're susies valentine! Calvin: i'm not her valentine just because I got this in the mail, am I? does the mail postmaster general know about this? Hobbes: calvin and susie siting in a tree-ee kay-eye-ess-ess eye-en-gee ! Calvin: I dont have to kiss her do I? is that what valentines do??! oh, GROSS! Hobbes: first comes lo-ove, then comes marriage, then comes a baby and a baby carrige! Calvin: this can't be happening! I need a lawyer! she can't make me be her valentine! Hobbes: here she comes! here comes susie! Susie: hi calvin. Calvin: get away from me! I'm not your valentine! Take your card back! Eww! Girls! Yecchh! Susie: that card wasn't for you, you moron. Didn't you read the back of the envelope? Calvin: the back? Calvin: "Calvin, please give this to Hobbes." HOBBES?! Me? really? Hot dog! Smooch city here I come!


  1. Haha, that's funny. I like Calvin and Hobbes also because it's really funny.

  2. Ethan weiss,

    confused whats going on but funny.

  3. nice puncuation enri and capitals

  4. Wow! Good job, that was an amazing story.

  5. good grammar because that is important

  6. very funny i love calvin and hobbes
