Friday, January 10, 2014

part 2:Touchdown patriots

Coach piked up the ball and set it down behind the 50 yard line, coach set it down right behind the a hash mark, on the field they huddle, I went to the left side of the field and  stud their waiting, I got ready for the play they where doing, someone on the other side of the ball said to a teammate "000". " no play" I said to myself, "WATCH THE BALL!!" I said to my group, ready ready ready, shift down ready set go, go, a player from my group stepped up a little past the line, the coach said "off-sides outlaws" coach pick the ball up and set it down behind the 40 yard line, both groups got lined up, the center said "ready ready ready shift down ready set go go go over ready set go, the groups blocked I waited till the last go, the runingback come runing past, while I looked in the back field bret was runing out of the side of the line like he thought he would get a touchdown, I ran at him and tackled him, I brought him down hard, he got three yards, they huddled, up my group got lined up and was trying to hear the play that the other group was doing, the other team got lined up when the coach stoped talking, I thought it is a run so i got ready for the play the group came up to do their play "ready, ready, ready, shift, down" i got in postion to tackle the runingback "set, go"